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Grant Development College

AHRC and Leverhulme Trust Grant Development College (Heritage & Creativity Theme) 

The Grant Development College is an internal review process to support the development of AHRC Standard Grant and Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant applications, with the aim of improving their chances of success. All grants led by Reading to be submitted to these schemes must go through the Grant Development College before submission. 

Applicants should first submit a Stage 1 application, which is read by a reviewer outside the PI's discipline and someone within their department. Research Division Leads, alongside the Research Development Manager and the Research Dean will compile feedback for the applicant within 4-6 weeks of submission. Leverhulme RPG outline applications can then be submitted to the funder. For AHRC standard grants, the Case for Support is reviewed in Stage 2, taking impact into account. 

If you wish to submit a Stage 1 application, please discuss with your Research Development Manager, then use the relevant template below and submit in time for an upcoming deadline:

12 September 2022; 7 November 2022; 9 January 2023; 6 March 2023; 8 May 2023; 3 July 2023.

AHRC Stage 1 proforma

Leverhulme Stage 1 proforma


ESRC and Leverhulme Trust Grant Development College (Prosperity & Resilience Theme) 

The Grant Development College is an internal review process to support the development of ESRC Responsive Mode* Grant applications and Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG) applications, with the aim of improving their chances of success. All grants led by Reading to be submitted to these schemes must go through the Grant Development College before submission.

Applicants should first submit a Stage 1 application, which is read by a reviewer outside the PI's discipline and someone within their department. Feedback will be provided within four weeks of submission. Leverhulme RPG outline applications can then be submitted to the funder.  For ESRC responsive mode grants, the Case for Support is reviewed in Stage 2 of this process, taking impact into account.

If you wish to submit a Stage 1 application, please discuss with your Research Development Manager, then use the relevant template below and submit at any time.

ESRC Stage 1 proforma

Leverhulme Stage 1 proforma

Responsive mode grants include the Research Grants (open call), New Investigator Grants and Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (SDAI) grants.