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Private Consultancy

Private consultancy is undertaken by a member of staff who operates in a personal and private capacity in return for a fee or other benefit. It is an activity based on their reputation, knowledge or expertise as a member of the staff of the University that does not use the name of the University, any University IP nor impinges on its reputation in any way.

As a member of University staff, you are free to work in an entirely private capacity (up to a maximum of 20 days per annum), but before you do so, you will need to:

  • Obtain the approval of your Head of School who must ensure that no conflict of interest exists and that the Private consultancy is not carried out to the detriment of mainstream activities of the School or Directorate nor to the staff member's normal University duties.
  • Complete a Private Consultancy Approval Form and return it to

When you carry out work in a private capacity you will be responsible for managing your own contractual assessments and negotiations, and the University advises that you fully understand the Terms and Conditions of any contract you enter into. 

You must also:

  • Tell your client that you are operating in an entirely private capacity, and not as an agent or employee of the University
  • Sign agreements or other documentation only on behalf of yourself, and not on behalf of the University
  • Not use any significant University facilities or staff services
  • Use only your private address for all correspondence; the use of University email, letterheads or logos is not allowed
  • Receive payment directly from your client, and personally accept liability for the payment of any additional income tax, National Insurance and VAT

Please note: If you do consultancy work in a private capacity, you are strongly advised to make your own insurance arrangements