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Member Nominated Trustees

UREPF is set up under trust in order to safeguard members’ benefits and to participate in the tax advantages available to registered pension schemes.  Because of its trust status, a Board of Trustees is appointed to be responsible for the overall management and administration of the Fund. 

The Board of Trustees (seven Trustees in total) includes three individuals who are members of the Fund themselves, whether they are currently making contributions, are already in receipt of a pension or are former members whose benefits are not yet due for payment. These member Trustees are known as Member Nominated Trustees (or MNTs) and they have all chosen to become Trustees and been voted into place by other members of the Fund.

You can find out more about the role of a Trustee and the MNT arrangements below.

MNT Vacancy 2021

Following the expiry of the term of office of Mrs Val Davis on 30 September 2021, Dr Kris Hamer has been appointed to the vacancy with effect from 1 October 2021.

Your Member Nominated Trustees

Members of the Fund who have been elected as Trustees of the Fund are as follows:


Member Status


End of appointment

Dr Kris Hamer

Deferred Pensioner


Mrs Sue Mott



Mr Mark Taylor

Deferred Pensioner


Changes to MNT arrangements 2020

The Trustee Board carried out one of its regular reviews of the rules and process for appointing Member Nominated Trustees (MNTs) in July 2020 and a few changes were agreed. An overview of these changes can be found here - UREPF MNT Rules and Process Changes July 2020 and the full details are available in the UREPF MNT Rules July 2020.

UREPF MNT Role Description – this covers the duties and responsibilities and is the “job description”

UREPF MNT Person Specification – this document explains the skills and attributes needed in order to undertake the role of Trustee

UREPF MNT Arrangements – here you can find out all about who is eligible to become a Trustee and details of the appointment procedure

What is a Trustee?

The Trustees administer the Fund in accordance with legal documents which contain the framework of the Fund, including the Trustees' powers and duties and set out the rights and interests of the beneficiaries.  The Trustees must act impartially at all times for all beneficiaries and not a particular class of beneficiary.

Much of the day to day duties are carried out or delegated to specialists appointed by the Trustees. These include the scheme administrator, our investment managers, legal adviser and actuary.  These are all supported by the University’s Pensions team.

Whilst you do not have to be a pensions expert, the law does require Trustees to have an understanding of the law relating to pensions and trusts, the funding of pension schemes and investment of scheme assets. There are civil and criminal penalties which may apply to Trustees who fail to exercise their statutory duties.

As a Trustee you have to act in accordance with legislation. For example, The Pensions Regulator has put in place requirements, known as the Trustee Knowledge and Understanding requirements and an MNT will have to be familiar and comply with these. 

You may also like to read the 'Guidance for trustees' from the Pensions Regulator, which can be found at

UREPF Role of the Trustee – a general description of the role of the Trustee