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Women's Development

Staff Learning and Development Opportunities

Springboard Women's Development Programme

The Springboard Women's Development Programme enables women to take more control over their own lives and careers by identifying clear, practical and realistic steps that they want to take and developing the skills and confidence to take them. Springboard has been used successfully by over 230,000 women in over 40 countries.

Springboard is for women of all backgrounds, ages and stages of their life and combines the attendance of four full day workshops, completion of a workbook, networking and co-coaching. Each participant will set their objectives on the first workshop, which can be to do with work or their personal life.

Many women use the programme to get better results at work, such as new qualifications, aiming for a promotion, developing new skills or creating a new attitude to change. According to the Springboard Consultancy, 80% of participants report increased confidence/self-esteem as a result of undertaking this programme.

The next Springboard programme will be postponed until we are confident it can be delivered virtually or until it is safe to deliver again on campus. Applications will remain open in the interim.

Places are limited to 30 per cohort. We will be looking for a wide variety of participants at different stages of their careers from all areas of the University. If we are oversubscribed we will create a waiting list pending future programme dates being set.

Applications invited for online Aurora women's leadership programme

The University is committed to developing an institution where everyone can fulfil their full potential. As part of our investment in developing a diverse leadership, we offer colleagues places on a range of programmes.

One such programme is Aurora. Aurora is Advance HE's women only leadership development initiative. It aims to encourage women in higher education to think of themselves as leaders and to develop leadership skills. If you are starting to think of moving into a leadership role, and have some managerial experience, the programme offers an ideal opportunity for development.

Applications for Aurora are now closed. Details of the 2023 – 2024 dates will be available in July 2023.