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Copyright is an intellectual property right that provides automatic protection against unauthorised reuse of original creative works. UK copyright law gives exclusive rights to creators and owners of copyright to control how their works are used (copyright restrictions) and sets out limitations to copyright for users in specific circumstances (copyright exceptions).

Copyright does not protect facts or ideas but may protect original expressions of facts or ideas, once ‘fixed’ in a written or otherwise recorded form. Eight categories of work can be protected: literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, and sound recordings, films, broadcasts and the typographical arrangement of published editions.

Navigating copyright issues often involves consideration of the context and an element of judgement: what you're allowed to do with protected works depends largely on the nature of the material and the purpose of your intended use. These pages are structured around the main ways you are likely to use and create copyright work in the course of teaching and research.

The University is committed to acknowledging and protecting the copyright of rights holders and adhering fully to the terms and conditions of the licences it holds. The University Copyright Policy applies to all information used within the scope of University activity and relates to all material covered by relevant legislation.

If you can't find what you're looking for, contact the Copyright & Compliance Officer who will be happy to provide further guidance.

See copyright guidance for online teaching
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New! See guidance on using copyright-protected material in the virtual classroom: Online teaching during Covid-19