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For managers and senior leaders


The University Council has overall responsibility for health and safety within the University. The Vice- Chancellor is the senior officer of the University and has overall executive responsibility for managing health and safety. In this the Vice-Chancellor is supported by the Chair of the University Health and Safety Committee, to whom day-to-day responsibility is delegated. Other senior officers of the University are responsible for ensuring that all actions of Council, University Executive Board (UEB) and relevant Committees are consistent with the health and safety policy objectives and are implemented in their areas of responsibility.

Further details of the health and safety management arrangements are given in Safety Code of Practice 2.

University Health and Safety Committee

Advice is provided to senior officers through the University's Health and Safety Committee, which develops health and safety policy, monitors performance, and acts as a consultative body with employee representatives.

Local H&S Committees are expected to escalate intractable problems to UHSWC. If you wish to raise any matter with the committee, please contact the appropriate committee member.

Submissions must be made to the Secretary no later than three weeks before the date of a meeting, so that appropriate papers can be circulated with the agenda. Dates are published in the University calendar.

The current Terms of Reference and membership for UHSWC is available from the corporate governance Committee List

Two sub-committees are responsible for assessing and approving work involving the use of hazardous biological agents and radioactive materials.

Sub-Committee for Biological Safety

Sub Committee of Biological Safety Terms of Reference 

Radiation Safety Sub-Committee

Radiation Safety Sub Committee Terms of Reference

School/Service Management

The Head of the School/Service/Unit is responsible for the health and safety of all work activities carried out by staff and students within their area.

Here is a summary of health and safety standards for Heads of Schools/Services:

Summary of H&S Standards

They may delegate responsibilities/ actions to managers, principal investigators, and section heads. Each School/Service must develop, implement and maintain an effective health and safety management arrangements, incorporating:

  • Risk assessments
  • Development of safe operating procedures
  • Induction of new starters and returners
  • Training
  • Emergency response
  • Consultation and communication with staff and students
  • Maintenance of local records
  • Workplace inspections
  • Investigation of accidents and incidents
  • Regular review of performance
  • Reporting of performance to Faculty and University Health and Safety Committee.

Each School/Service should have its own local Health and Safety Code, which explains the local management arrangements and provides essential information for staff and students.

Health and Safety Co-ordinators (HSCs) are appointed locally within Schools/ Services to act on behalf of the Head of Unit to co-ordinate health and safety arrangements. Further details on the duties of an HSC are given in Safety Note 1.

Building Support Officers are appointed to co-ordinate building-related health and safety issues, in particular fire safety, and to provide a first point of contact for liaison with Estates.

Further information is given under Local responsibilities.

JM, June 2022