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Richard Sibly

Portrait of Richard Silby

Building location

Health and Life Sciences (HLS)


  • Part 1: Animal Behaviour
  • Part 3: Selected Topics in Animal Behaviour

Research projects

  • Now part time and no longer taking on research students
  • Current research includes speciation driven by sexual imprinting and local adaptation

Impact, Enterprise and Outreach

  • Work described in major Ecology textbooks: Begon et al. (2006) Ecology; Krebs CJ (2009) Ecology; and Davies et al (2012) Introduction to Behavioural Ecology 
  • Two textbooks published in 2012


Esteem factors

  • The Scientific Medal of the Zoological Society of London
  • Elected chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Unifying Ecology Across Scales for 2016
  • Invited plenary speaker at international conferences in Australia, Japan, Washington DC, Maine, Prague, Berlin, Cracow, Roskilde, Aarhus, Le Croisic, London, Leeds and 2021 meeting of The Physiological Society
  • Principle organiser of Royal Society Discussion Meeting, British Ecological Society sessions and workshops, European Society for Evolutionary Biology Symposium
  • Occasional editor for PNAS; reviewer for Science, PNAS etc, and for US NSF, NERC, EPSRC, Leverhulme Foundation and other international grant-giving bodies

Publications pre-2003 – recent publications are at the bottom of this page

  • Sibly, R. M. & Hone, J. (2002) Population growth rate and its determinants: an overview. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B , 357, 1149-1170.
  • Sibly, R.M., Hone, J. and Clutton-Brock, T.H. (2002) Introduction. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B , 357, 1149-115.
  • Hone, J. and Sibly, R.M. (2002) Demographic, mechanistic and density-dependent determinants of population growth rate: a case study in an avian predator. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B , 357, 1171-1178.
  • Sibly, R. M. (2002) Life history theory. In (ed. M. Pagel) Encyclopedia of Evolution. 623-627. OUP.
  • Meade, A.P. Corne, D.W., Sibly, R.M. (2002) Discovering patterns in microsatellite flanks with evolutionary computation by evolving discriminatory DNA motifs. In: Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-6, IEEE Press ISBN 0-780372786.
  • Bonacic C., Macdonald D.W., Galaz J. and Sibly R.M. (2002) Density dependence in the camelid Vicugna vicugna: the recovery of a protected population in Chile. Oryx, 36, 118-125.
  • Walker, C.H., Hopkin, S.P., Sibly, R.M. and Peakall, D.B. Podstawy Exotoksykologii. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA, Warsawa. 2002 [Polish translation of Principles of Ecotoxicology published by Taylor & Francis].
  • Forbes, V.E., Sibly, R.M. and Calow, P. (2001) Toxicant impacts on density-limited populations: a critical review of theory, practice and results. Ecological Applications, 11, 1249-1257.
  • Sibly, R.M., Whittaker, J.C. and Talbot, M. (2001) A maximum-likelihood approach to fitting equilibrium models of microsatellite evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 18, 413-417.
  • Davies, Z.E., Guise, H.J., Penny, R.H.C. and Sibly, R.M. (2001) Effects of stone chewing by outdoor sows on their teeth and stomachs. Veterinary Record, 149, 9-11.
  • Shirley, M.D.F. and Sibly, R.M. (2001) Metapopulation dynamics of fruit flies undergoing evolutionary change in patchy environments. Ecology, 82, 3257-3262.
  • Forbes, V.E., Calow, P. and Sibly, R.M. (2001) Are current species extrapolation models a good basis for ecological risk assessment? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 20, 442-447.
  • Meade, A., Corne, D., Pagel, M. and Sibly, R.M. (2001) Using evolutionary algorithms to estimate transition rates of discrete characteristics in phylogenetic trees. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, COEX, Seoul, Korea, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1170-1177. ISBN 0 7803-6658-1
  • Corne, D., Meade, A. and Sibly, R.M. (2001) Evolving core promoter signal motifs. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, COEX, Seoul, Korea, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1062-1069. ISBN 0 7803-6658-1
  • Sibly, R.M., Hansen, F.E. and Forbes, V.E. (2000) Confidence intervals for population growth rate of organisms with two-stage life histories. Oikos, 88, 335-340.
  • Humphries, R.E., Sibly, R.M. and Meehan, A.P. (2000) Cereal aversion in behaviourally-resistant house mice in Birmingham, UK. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 66, 323-333.
  • Sibly, R.M., Williams, T.D. and Jones, M.B. (2000) How environmental stress affects density dependence and carrying capacity in a marine copepod. Journal of Applied Ecology, 37, 388-397.
  • Sibly, R.M., Newton, I., and Walker, C.H. (2000) Effects of dieldrin on population growth rates of sparrowhawks 1963-1986. Journal of Applied Ecology, 37, 540-546.
  • Sibly, R.M. (2000) Foreword. pp vii-xi. In (eds Halle, S and Stenseth, N.C.) Activity Patterns in Small Mammals. Springer, Berlin.
  • Meade, A., Corne, D. and Sibly, R.M. (2000) Applying evolutionary computation to understanding the insertion behaviour of LINE-1 retrotransposons in human DNA. In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Diego, CA, IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 836-843. ISBN 0 7803-6375-2.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1999) Efficient experimental designs for studying stress and population density in animal populations. Ecological Applications, 9, 496-503.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1999) Evolutionary biology of skill and information transfer. pp.57-71. In: (ed. Box H. and Gibson, K.) Mammalian Social Learning: Comparative and Ecological Perspectives. Zoological Society of London Symposium 73.
  • Brigham, A.J. and Sibly, R.M. (1999) A review of the phenomenon of neophobia. pp.67-84. In: (ed. Cowan, D.P. and Feare, C.J.) Advances in Vertebrate Pest Management. Filander Verlag, Furth, Germany.
  • Shirley, M.D.F. and Sibly, R.M. (1999) Genetic basis of a between-environment trade-off involving resistance to cadmium in Drosophila melanogasterEvolution, 53, 826-836.
  • Mayland, A.P., Sibly, R.M. and Guise, H.J. (1999) In what size pens can pregnant sows 'turn without difficulty'? Veterinary Record, 145, 373-374.
  • Linke-Gamenick, I., Forbes, V.E. and Sibly, R.M. (1999) Density-dependent effects of a toxicant on life-history traits and population dynamics of a capitellid polychaete. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 184, 139-148.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1999) Population growth rate and carrying capacity should be the ecological endpoints. Aspects of Applied Biology, 53, 261-262.
  • Sibly, R.M. & Smith, R.H. (1998) Identifying key factors using l-contribution analysis. J. Anim. Ecol. 67, 17-24.
  • Guntrip, J. and Sibly, R.M. (1998) Phenotypic plasticity, genotype-by-environment interaction and the analysis of generalism and specialization in Callosobruchus maculatusHeredity, 81, 198-204.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1998) Trade-off. In: (ed. P. Calow) The Encyclopedia of Ecology & Environmental Management. Blackwell Science.
  • Davies, Z.E., Guise, H.J. and Sibly, R.M. (1998) Nose ringing and its effects on sow behaviour. Proceedings of the 15th IPVS Congress, Birmingham, England.
  • Davies, Z.E., Guise, H.J., Penny, R.H.C. and Sibly, R.M. (1998) The incidence and types of foot lesions in cull sows from indoor and outdoor units. Proceedings of the 15th IPVS Congress, Birmingham, England.
  • Sibly, R.M. and Vincent, J.F.V. (1997) Optimality approachess to resource allocation in woody tissues. In (ed. F.A. Bazzaz and J.Grace) Plant Resource Allocation. Academic Press, San Diego.
  • Guntrip, J., Sibly, R.M. & Holloway, G.J. (1997) The effect of novel environment and sex on the additive genetic variation and covariation in and between emergence body weight and development period in the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). Heredity, 78, 158-165.
  • Sibly, R.M., Winokur, L. & Smith, R.H. (1997) Interpopulation variation in phenotypic plasticity in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeriaOikos, 78, 323-330.
  • Sibly, R.M., Collett, D., Promislow, D.E.L., Peacock, D.J. & Harvey, P.H. (1997) Mortality rates of mammals. J. Zool., Lond., 243, 1-12.
  • Guntrip, J., Sibly, R.M. & Smith, R.H. (1997) Controlling resource acquisition to reveal a life history trade-off: egg mass and clutch size in an iteroparous seed predator, Prostephanus truncatusEcological Entomology, 22, 264-270.
  • Calow, P., Sibly, R.M. & Forbes, V. (1997) Risk assessment on the basis of simplified life-history scenarios. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16, 1983-1989.
  • Atkinson, D. & Sibly R.M. (1997) Why are organisms usually bigger in colder environments? Making sense of a life history puzzle. Trends Ecol. Evol., 12, 235-239.
  • Atkinson, D. & Sibly R.M. (1997) Geometrical constraints on body size - reply to Pauly. Trends Ecol. Evol., 12, 442-443.
  • Sibly, R.M. & Simkiss, K. (1997) The effects of cell kinetics on the formation of chimeric tissues. Poultry Science, 76, 1099-1100.
  • Sibly, R. M. (1996) Effects of pollutants on individual life histories and population growth rates. In: (eds. Newman, M. C. and Jagoe, C. H.) Quantitative Ecotoxicology. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Michigan.
  • Bubier, N.E., Lambert, M.S., Deeming, D.C., Ayres, L.L. & Sibly, R.M. (1996) Time budget and colour preferences (with specific reference to feeding) of ostrich (Struthio camelus) chicks in captivity. British Poultry Science 37, 547-551.
  • Sibly, R.M., (1996) Life history evolution in heterogeneous environments: a review of theory. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 351, 1349-1359.
  • Deeming, D.C., Sibly, R.M. & Magole, I.L. (1996) Estimation of the weight and body condition of ostriches (Struthio camelus) from body measurements. The Veterinary Record, 139, 210-213.
  • Guntrip, J., Sibly, R.M. & Smith, R.H. (1996) A phenotypic and genetic comparison of egg to adult life-history traits between and within two strains of the Larger Grain Borer, Prostephanus truncatur (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). J. stored Prod. Res 32, 213-223.
  • Atkinson, D. & Sibly, R.M. (1996) On the solution to a major life-history puzzle. Oikos, 77, 359-365.
  • Taylor, R.C., Stephens, A.G. & Sibly, R.M. (1996) The physiological basis of dietary preference in West Midlands behaviourally resistant house mice. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 55, 223A.
  • Humphries, R.E., Sibly, R.M. & Meehan, A.P. (1996) The characteristics of 'behavioural resistance' and bait avoidance in house mice in the UK. Proceedings of Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases, 157-164.
  • Sibly, R. M. (1995) Life-history evolution in spatially heterogeneous environments, with and without phenotypic plasticity. Evolutionary Ecology, 9, 242-257.
  • Knott, S. A., Sibly, R. M., Smith, R. H. and Møller, H. (1995) Maximum likelihood estimation of genetic parameters in life-history studies using the 'Animal Model'. Functional Ecology 9, 122-126.
  • Langton, S. D., Collett, D. and Sibly, R. M. (1995) Splitting Behaviour into bouts. Behaviour 132, 781-799.
  • Lambert, M.S., Deeming, D.C., Sibly, R.M. and Ayres, L.L. (1995) The relationship between pecking behaviour and growth rate of ostrich (Struthio camelus) chicks in captivity. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 46, 93-101.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1994) An allelocentric analysis of Hamilton's Rule for overlapping generations. Journal of theoretical Biology, 167, 301-305.
  • Sibly, R. M. (1994) From organism to population: the role of life-history theory. In: (ed. D. W. Sutcliffe) Water Quality and Stress Indicators in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside. 63-74.
  • Sibly, R. M. and Atkinson, D. (1994) How rearing temperature affects optimal adult size in ectotherms. Functional Ecology, 8, 486-493.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1994). Erratum in Sibly, R.M., Nott, H.M.R. and Fletcher, D.J. (1990) Splitting behaviour into bouts. Animal Behaviour, 48, 499.
  • Perrin, N., Sibly, R.M. and Nichols, N.K. (1993) Optimal growth strategies when mortality and production rates are size-dependent. Evolutionary Ecology, 7, 576-592.
  • Perrin, N. and Sibly, R.M. (1993) Dynamic models of energy allocation and investment. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 24, 379-410.
  • Johnson, I.P. and Sibly, R.M. (1993) Pre-breeding behaviour affects condition, assessed by abdominal profile, and hence breeding success of Canada Geese Branta canadensis. Wildfowl, 44, 59-67.
  • Sibly, R.M. and Curnow, R.N. (1993) An allelocentric view of life-history evolution. Journal of theoretical Biology, 160, 533-546.
  • Price, S., Sibly, R.M. and Davies, M.H. (1993) Effects of behaviour and handling on heart rate in farmed red deer. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 37, 111-123.
  • Smith, R.H., Linton, L.A. and Sibly, R.M. (1993) Trade-offs and genetic correlations among life-history traits: theory and simulation. In: (eds. T.K. Sokes, J.M. McGlade and R. Law), The Exploitation of Evolving Resources. pp.128-144.
  • Nott, H.M.R. and Sibly, R.M. (1993) Responses to novel food by rats: the effect of social rank. Crop Protection, 12, 89-94.
  • Povey, S.R. and Sibly, R.M. (1992) No oviposition plasticity in the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzaeJournal of Stored Products Research, 28, 11-14.
  • Sibly, R.M. and Antonovics, J. (1992) Life-history evolution. In: (ed. R.J. Berry, T.J. Crawford & G.M. Hewitt), Genes in Ecology. Symposium of the British Ecological Society. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. pp.87-122.
  • Humphries, R.E., Meehan, A.P. and Sibly, R.M. (1992) The characteristics and history of behavioural resistance in inner-city house mice (Mus domesticus) in the U.K. In: (eds. J.E. Borrecco & R.E. Marsh), Proceedings of the 15th Vertebrate Pest Conference, University of Calif., David. pp.161-164.
  • Yusufu, S.D., Greig-Smith, P.W. and Sibly, R.M. (1992) Food intake by European starlings Sturnus vulgaris with a choice of plain, blue-coloured and deterrent (Methiocarb-treated) diets. Proceedings of the Eighth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, 621-623.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1991) The life-history approach to physiological ecology. Functional Ecology, 5, 184-191.
  • Partridge, L. and Sibly, R.M. (1991) Constraints in the evolution of life histories. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 332, 3-13.
  • Sibly, R.M., Smith, R.H. and Moller, H. (1991) Evolutionary demography of a bruchid beetle. IV. Genetic trade-off, stabilizing selection and a model of optimal body size. Functional Ecology, 5, 594-601.
  • Linton, L., Sibly, R.M. and Calow, P. (1991) Testing Life-Cycle Theory by Computer Simulation. I - Introduction of Genetical Structure. Computer Biol. Med., 21, 345-355.
  • Sibly, R.M., Linton, L. and Calow, P. (1991) Testing life-cycle theory by computer simulation. II - Bet-Hedging revisited. Computer Biol. Med., 21, 357-367.
  • Sibly, R.M., Nott, H.M.R. and Fletcher, D.J. (1990) Splitting behaviour into bouts. Animal Behaviour, 39, 63-69.
  • Orton, R.A. and Sibly, R.M. (1990) Egg size and growth rate in Theodoxus fluviatilis (L). Functional Ecology, 3, 91-94.
  • Holloway, G.J., Sibly, R.M. and Povey S.R. (1990) Evolution in toxin-stressed environments. Functional Ecology, 4, 289-294.
  • Johnson, I.P. and Sibly, R.M. (1990) Mate protection in pre-nesting Canada Geese Branta canadensisWildfowl 41, 38-42.
  • Baldock, N.M. and Sibly, R.M. (1990) Effects of handling and transportation on the heart rate and behaviour of sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 28, 15-39.
  • Calow, P. and Sibly, R.M. (1990) A physiological basis of population processes: ecotoxicological implications. Functional Ecology, 4, 283-288.
  • Holloway, G., Povey, S. R. and Sibly, R. M. (1990) The effect of new environment on adapted genetic architecture. Heredity, 64, 323-330.
  • Moller, H., Smith, R.H. and Sibly, R.M. (1990) Evolutionary demography of a bruchid beetle. III Correlated responses to selection and phenotypic plasticity. Functional Ecology, 4, 489-493.
  • Humphries, R.E., Smith, R.H. and Sibly, R.M. (1989) Effects of human disturbance on the welfare of park fallow deer. Deer, 7, 458-463.
  • Sibly, R.M. and Humphries, R.E. (1989) Effects of stress and disturbance in deer. In: Brown, M.B. and Goldspink, C.R. (eds.) Management Conservation and Interpretation of Park Deer. The British Deer Society, 27-38.
  • Sibly, R.M. and Calow, P. (1989) A life-cycle theory of responses to stress. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 37, 101-116.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1989) What evolution maximises. Functional Ecology, 3, 129-135.
  • Sibly, R.M. and Baldock, N.M. (1989) Effects of farm handling procedures on heart rate in sheep. Annual Proceedings of the Sheep Veterinary Society, 12, 103-106.
  • Johnson, I.P. and Sibly, R.M. (1989) Effects of plastic neck collars on the behaviour and breeding performance of geese and their value for distant recognition of individuals. Ringing and Migration, 10, 58-62.
  • Moller, H., Smith, R.H. and Sibly, R.M. (1989) Evolutionary demography of a bruchid beetle I. Quantitative genetical analysis of the female life history. Functional Ecology, 3, 673-681.
  • Sibly, R.M., Monk, K.A., Johnson, I.K. and Trout, R.C. (1990) Seasonal variation in gut morphology in wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Journal of Zoology, London, 221, 605-619.
  • Moller, H., Smith, R.H. and Sibly, R.M. (1989) Evolutionary demography of a bruchid beetle. II. Physiological manipulations. Functional Ecology, 3, 683-691.
  • Baldock, N.M., Sibly, R.M. and Penning, P.D. (1988) Behavioural and seasonal variation in heart rate in domestic sheep (Ovis aries)Anim. Behav. 36, 35-43.
  • McKillop, I.G. and Sibly, R.M. (1988). Animal Behaviour at electrified fences and the implications for management. Mammal review, 18, 91-103.
  • Hunter, E.J., Broom, D.M., Edwards, S.A. and Sibly, R.M. (1988). Social hierarchy and feeder access in a group of 20 sows usimg a computer-controlled feeder. Anim. Prod., 47, 139-148.
  • Sibly, R.M., Calow, P. and Smith, R.H. (1988) Optimal size of seasonal breeders. J. theor. Biol., 133, 13-21
  • Sibly, R. and Monk, K. (1987) A theory of grasshopper life cycles. Oikos, 48, 186-194.
  • Smith, R.H., Sibly, R.M. and Moller, H. (1987) Control of size and fecundity in Pieris rapae: towards a theory of butterfly life cycles. J.Anim.Ecol., 56, 341-350.
  • Sibly, R. M and Calow, P. (1987) Ecological compensation - a complication for testing life-history theory. J.theor. Biol., 125, 177-186.
  • Sibly, R.M. and Simkiss, K. (1987) Gas diffusion through non-tubular pores. J.exp.Zool.Suppl. 1, 187-191.
  • Sibly, R. and Calow, P. (1987) Growth and resource allocation. In: (ed) P. Calow, Evolutionary Physiological Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp.37-52.
  • Calow, P. and Sibly, R.M. (1987) Conflicting predictions concerning clonal reproduction? Functional Ecology, 1, 161-163.
  • Sibly, R.M., Jones, P.J. and Houston, D.C. (1987) The use of body dimensions of lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscus to indicate size and to estimate body reserves. Functional Ecology, 1, 275-279.
  • Baldock, N.M, Penning, P.D. and Sibly, R.M. (1987) A system for recording sheep ECG in the field using a miniature 24-hour tape recorder. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2, 57-66.
  • Sibly, R. M. and Calow, P. (1986) Physiological ecology of animals: an evolutionary approach. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
  • McCleery, R.H. and Sibly, R.M. (1986) Feeding specialisations and preference in herring gulls. J.Anim. Ecol., 55, 245-259.
  • Sibly, R. and Grime, J.P. (1986) Strategies of resource capture by plants - evidence for adversity selection. J. theor. Biol., 118, 247-250.
  • Sibly, R. and Calow, P. (1986) Why breeding earlier is always worthwhile. J.theor. Biol., 123, 311-319.
  • Sibly, R. M. and Smith, R. H. (editors) (1985) Behavioural Ecology: Ecological Consequences of Adaptive Behaviour. The 25th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, held at Reading, 1984. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. pp.620.
  • Sibly, R., Calow, P. and Nichols,N. (1985) Are patterns of growth adaptive? J.theor.Biol., 112, 553-574.
  • Sibly, R. and McCleery,R. (1985) Optimal decision rules for herring gulls. Anim.Behav., 33, 449-465.
  • Sibly, R. and Calow, P. (1985) Classification of habitats by selection pressures: a synthesis of life-cycle and r/K theory. In: (eds) R.M. Sibly and R.H. Smith. Behavioural Ecology: Ecological Consequences of Adaptive Behaviour. pp. 75-90.
  • Smith, R.H. and Sibly, R. (1985) Behavioural ecology and population dynamics: towards a synthesis. In: (eds) R.M. Sibly and R.H. Smith. Behavioural Ecology: Ecological Consequences of Adaptive Behaviour. pp.577-591.
  • Sibly, R. and Calow, P. (1984) Direct and absorption costing in the evolution of life cycles. J.theor.Biol., 111, 463-473.
  • Calow, P. and Sibly, R. (1983) Physiological trade-offs and the evolution of life cycles. Science Progress, Oxford, 68, 177-188.
  • Sibly, R.M. and McCleery, R.H. (1983) The distribution between feeding sites of herring gulls breeding at Walney Island, UK. J.Anim. Ecol., 52, 51-68.
  • Sibly, R.M. and McCleery, R.H. (1983) Increase in weight of herring gulls while feeding. J.Anim.Ecol., 52, 35-50.
  • Sibly, R. and Calow, P. (1983) An integrated approach to life-cycle evolution using selective landscapes. J.theor.Biol., 102, 527-547.
  • Houston, D.C., Jones, P.J. and Sibly, R.M. (1983) The effect of female body condition on egg laying in Lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscusJ.Zool.Lond., 200, 509-520.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1983) Optimal group size is unstable. Anim.Behav., 31, 947-948.
  • Sibly, R. and Calow, P. (1982) Asexual reproduction in protozoa and invertebrates. J.theor.Biol., 96, 401-424.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1981) Strategies of digestion and defecation. In: (eds) C.R. Townsend and P. Calow. Physiological Ecology: an evolutionary approach to resource use. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications. pp.109-139.
  • Barnard, C.J. and Sibly, R.M. (1981) Producers and scroungers: a general model and its application to captive flocks of house sparrows. Anim.Behav., 29, 543-550.
  • Sibly, R.M. amd McClery, R.H. (1980) Continuous observation of individual Herring gulls during the incubation season using radio tags: an evaluation of the technique and a cost-benefit analysis of transmitter power. In: (eds) C.J. Amlaner and D.W. Mcdonald. A Handbook on biotelemetry and radio tracking. Oxford, Pergamon Press. pp.345-352.
  • Sibly, R.M. and McCleery, R.H. (1980) A balance for weighing ground-nesting birds. J.Appl.Ecol., 17, 323-327.
  • Sibly, R.M. (1980) The use of mathematical models to describe behaviour sequences and to study their physiology and survival value. In: (eds) F.M. Toates and T.R. Halliday. Analysis of Motivational Processes, pp.245-271.
  • Lessells, C.M., Sibly, R.M., Owen, M. and Ellis, S. (1979) Weights of female barnacle geese during breeding. Wildfowl, 30, 72-74.
  • Calow, P., Beveridge, M. and Sibly, R. (1979) Heads and tails: adaptational aspects of asexual reproduction in feshwater triclads. Am. Zool., 19, 715-727.
  • Blurton Jones, N. and Sibly, R. (1978) Testing adaptiveness of culturally determined behaviour: do Bushman women maximise their reproductive success by spacing births widely and foraging seldom? In: (eds) V. Reynolds and N. Blurton Jones. Human Behaviour and Adaptation. Symposium of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, 18. London, Taylor and Francis. pp.135-157.
  • Grafen, A. and Sibly, R. (1978) A model of mate desertion. Anim. Behav., 26, 645-652.
  • Kenward, R.E. and Sibly, R.M. (1978) Woodpigeon feeding behaviour at brassica sites. Anim. Behav., 26, 778-790.
  • Amlaner, C.J., Sibly, R. and McCleery, R. (1978) Effects of telemetry transmitter weight on breeding success in Herring gulls. Biotelemetry, 5, 154-163.
  • Kenward, R.E. and Sibly, R.M. (1977) A woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) feeding preference explained by a digestive bottle-neck. J. Appl. Ecol., 14, 815-826.
  • Sibly, R.M. and McCleery, R.H. (1976) The dominance bounday method of determining motivational state. Anim. Behav., 24, 108-124.
  • Sibly, R. and McFarland, D. (1976) On the fitness of behaviour sequences. Am. Nat., 110, 601-617.
  • McFarland, D.J. and Sibly, R.M. (1975) The behavioural final common path. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B., 270, 265-293.
  • Sibly, R. (1975) How incentive and deficit determine feeding tendency. Anim. Behav., 23, 437-446.
  • Sibly, R. and McFarland, D. (1974) A state-space approach to motivation. In: (ed) D. J. McFarland. Motivational Control Systems Analysis. London, Academic Press. pp.213-250.
  • McFarland, D. and Sibly, R. (1972) 'Unitary drives' revisited. Anim. Behav., 20, 548-563.


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