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Teaching desk, Library & Lab PCs

Change of Documents and Favourites folder location

The following change applies to those who use teaching desk PCs or PCs in the Library or PC labs.

What is changing?

In File Explorer, or Open/Save dialogues in applications, the location used for Documents (aka My Documents) is changing from the N drive to a new Profile location.  Your Favourites, if you use them, is also changing to the new Profile location. This applies to teaching desk PCs, PCs in the Library and PC labs.

Why we are making this change?

The N drive service for students is being phased out at the end of this academic year (July 2022). Staff have already been moved to using their University OneDrive instead of N drive. The recommended storage location for your files is OneDrive for Business (ODfB), which provides much greater capacity and which you can access from anywhere and any device connected to the Internet.

A few applications are unable to save directly to a Cloud storage location such as OneDrive, so we are providing a network Profile location for use with these applications.

Your Profile is only accessible on campus and should be used as a temporary store during a class or teaching session. If you do save any files to your Profile, you should copy these to your University OneDrive account at the end of your session (especially if you need to access them away from the teaching desk, Library or lab PC). 

For more information about using OneDrive for Business, please see the DTS OneDrive webpage.

Important information 

Please remember to upload files from your Profile to OneDrive at the end of your session as you will not be able to access them from off campus. You can access your OneDrive by going to (you may need to log in again).

If you forget to copy the files at the end of the session, you can access the Documents folder from any teaching desk, Library or PC lab computer on campus and logging in. Profiles will be backed up nightly so that files can be restored if needed. 

Ensure you give the files time to upload before ending your session. The file will have a green tick next to it when uploaded.

Instructions on how to upload to OneDrive: OneDrive Knowledge Base item

What do I need to do now?

Use OneDrive for Business to save your files whilst you are working on teaching desk, Library or Lab PCs.

If you have files saved in N:\My Documents, you should move them to OneDrive for Business.

If you have any issues, please raise a ticket with the IT Service Desk .